A prepper is anyone who is concerned about not being a helpless victim in case of an emergency. They are primarily concerned about natural disasters, power failure, economic collapse, hyperinflation and job loss. Preppers have a lot in common with the people that lived through the 1930’s in the Great Depression, in that they save, conserve, re-use and try to be prepared for anything. They maintain a long term food supply and can make do at least a few months on the food that they’ve stockpiled. Preppers are the resourceful people in your neighborhoods. Preppers are the kind of people you want to have around if something goes wrong. Not many who call themselves “preppers” would want to be termed “survivalists” however. Many preppers go out of their way to avoid the stereotypes that comes with the “survivalist” label. Prepping is just a new word for a very old way of life.